Your horoscope for the week of 28th November 2011 - 4th December 2011
Rita Ann is a very high profile astrologer. Fifth generation, Rita Ann started studying at age 4, charting at age 9, amateur counseling at age 15, and went professional in her mid twenties after college. She became's very own resident astrologer in the year 2000.Read her free weekly horoscope forecast below:
Your cheerful attitude may dispel much of the worry and insecurity other members may be feeling or dealing with. Set the stage with relaxing evenings using food, music and 'a change of pace' especially the 28th, 1st and 3rd. Get as much done chore-wise as possible before the 3rd as personal down time is a mini-threat, with common cold/flu, digestive, teeth, low back, feet, forehead and sinus heading the list.
Romance may hold some hot potential this week with EXCELLENT long range promise likely! Some Scales will find life partners this week while a small cross section of others may 'push/press' their luck in an effort to get some level of commitment near the 30th to 2nd that could 'backfire'. Don't be one of them! Invitations to travel or tryst are likely this week and can be as soon as the 1/2nd and 4th or as far out as next Feb. Read the
weekly partner horoscope...Friendship:
YOU may have to hand hold for a
Capricorn or
Scorpio pal who did NOT have the benefit of THIS reading [or heed it!..], and 'pushed' their luck with a relationship this week and fell FLAT on their face! Be very careful NOT to make statements, judgments, reveal past info/secrets or take sides as they may likely 'reunite' no matter HOW bad it 'looks/is'.
Some Scales may be dealing with or in the midst of 'upgrading' this week and trying to negotiate for 'the best deal' is a pretty likely thing but here's a hint; IF you're doing well the 28th and/or 30th, either take a pass or 'sleep on it' through the 1/2nd as 'pushing, pressing your luck or holding out for more' may backfire by/before the 3/4th. Travel is possible and IF you off site schmooze the 4th, keep ALL business discussions off the table.
VERY promising