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Your horoscope for the week of 28th November 2011 - 4th December 2011
Rita Ann FreemanRita Ann is a very high profile astrologer. Fifth generation, Rita Ann started studying at age 4, charting at age 9, amateur counseling at age 15, and went professional in her mid twenties after college. She became's very own resident astrologer in the year 2000.
Read her free weekly horoscope forecast below:


Your 'best day' for cooperation, support and understanding is clearly the 29th, especially in dealings with 'fixing' any 'at odds' situations and garnering financial favors, particularly with elders of any sign, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aries, Pisces, other Lions or Aquarius. Once again success is 'good' the 1st, but that may be your 'last day' since the 2nd appears filled with a need for caution, restraint and soft peddling BIG time and the 4th may be filled with 'last minute mad dashes'.


This CAN be a very good week in romance with hot connections for singles near the 29th and 30/1st ALL day, with excellent 'quick start' and promising long range success. Some Lions in 'more recent status' may take a dip or an outright backslide near the 2nd to 4th as 'true colors' begin to show. About half of Lions who DO encounter problems the 2nd to 4th, will resolve them later on the 4th, the 9/10th or soon after the 13th, especially IF Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer or other Lions are involved. Read the weekly partner horoscope...


Favors done by pals, especially networking near the 29th and/or 1st may really open lucrative and helpful 'doors of opportunity' for you, no matter HOW lofty the power person or goal. Minor set backs near the 2nd are possible but roadblocks can once again get serious help from good buddies, especially if you 'ask just RIGHT'.


Some travel and/or long distance and possibly 'last minute' scrambles are likely this week, especially for self employed/commission based Leos. Solve quickest the 29/30th, most economically the 28th 1st and the most TACTFULLY the 2nd for a successful week. IF you must work the weekend, be reasonable with expectations the 3rd and quit early the 4th; like at least one hour before sunset.


CAN be very good

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