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Blackmagic-1 Sex Story

I was busy in reading the newspaper when rahul told me-“hey tapas, go to page 6 I am going to show you something?”
I was irritated and scornfully replied back–“what is there in page 6?”
Rahul took the newspaper from my hand and with utmost eagerness opened the page and show me a news heading,
“Tantrik arrested for enslaving a woman.”
With a deep sigh I replied back –“So this is what you want me to see?”.
I began to read the rest of the content in the news. It seems our local newspaper reporter has investigated the whole thing and found out the involvement of black magic in this.
I looked at rahul and told him-“Spicy story…..good way to make people to buy this newspaper”.
Rahul-“Do you believe in this?”
Me-“What ? Are you talking about Black magic…..come on yaar….the bitch is involved in this”
Rahul-“No yaar….it really exists…I have seen it before my eyes….”.
Me-“ What?”.
Me-“I meant to say …what you have seen”.
Rahul looked restless, his face look redden. It seems he is trying to conceal something from me -“I can’t tell it.”
An eagerness to know his secret begin to grow in my mind but I appear normal to him-“ok leave it, let us discuss on other topic.”
Rahul was absentminded. I tried to distract him-“Hey Rahul…Have you read the stories of the book provided by sanjay….I like the third one where a devar is fucking his bhabhi….it reminds me of my new bhabhi….”.
Rahul smiled back-“hey tapas….your bhabhi is my prey…just stop thinking about her”.
Rahul-“Tapas…you are my best friend….and we have shared many dirty things between us but today….i don’t know why I am saying this to you but I will be sharing something that I have not shared with any one …..i hope you will maintain the privacy of the secret.”
It seems to me rahul is coming back to the same old point of blackmagic.
Me-“come on, I have shared many secrets with you and you have maintained the privacy so why would not I be maintaining it?”
Rahul-“ so tapas before I start saying about the incident I wanted to reveal something that no one knows about me in our school”
Me-“Tell me.”
Rahul-“Auntijy that you know as my mother is not my real mother”.
Rahul-“she is my father second wife….she married my father when I was 12”.
Me-“So where is your mother….does your parent got divorced?…or…she is no…”
Rahul-“No….” and with a pause for a moment he replied back “she went missing when I was 11”.
Rahul-“my mom was very beautiful with big eyes and rosy lips. Her name was rachana. My father married her against his father’s wish. Originally my father’s family has planned to engage my father with shoba, now my step mother and my father go against his family and married my mother. My mother was from a poor Brahmin family and my father family was rich one. Later my grand father accepted the marriage and welcomed mom in the ancestral house. These all incidents happened before I was born and I came to know this from my relatives.
My father has least interest in ancestral land and soon started a business in Guwahati. My father started staying in guwahati during the weekdays and stays at home during the weekends.
When I was 9 year old , my grand father become bedridden. He was suffering from paralysis. A servant was kept to look after him. His name was ramchandra.Everybody in our house used to call him ram. . He was a tall and dark fellow with good body. He was almost bald but has good amount of hair in his body. He was strong and used to carry my grand father in his arm from the bed to the toilet. He used to bathe him and wash his toilet.
After 5 days of ramu’s arrival I begin to feel some thing odd is happening with my mother. I used to sleep with my mother and one night I found her struggling in her bed. She seems to be disturbed in her sleep and something within her making her restless. Her body was covered with sweat and her blouse seems to be getting wet with her sweat. Her hairs were disheveled and her pink lip looks moist. Her breasts were moving heavily.
I pushed-“what happened mother?”.
My mother opened her eyes. Her eyes looked weary. Mom-“Nothing my dear, just a little bit tired. I am going to the bathroom to freshen myself. You just try to sleep”.
My mother clumsily gets up from the bed and went to the bathroom and I went to sleep.

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