Your horoscope for the week of 28th November 2011 - 4th December 2011
Rita Ann is a very high profile astrologer. Fifth generation, Rita Ann started studying at age 4, charting at age 9, amateur counseling at age 15, and went professional in her mid twenties after college. She became's very own resident astrologer in the year 2000.Read her free weekly horoscope forecast below:
Unexpected plans AND visitors are likely and a last minute scramble to feed, entertain, house and accommodate is likely, right down to vehicles, timing and bed space. Last minute traveling is also likely and it appears like either they come to you or you go to them and then you ALL travel additionally! Communications misunderstandings are highly likely so check and double check all plans to insure you are ALL 'on the same page' especially the 2nd and 4th.
Romance may throw the odd 'curve ball' to an Archer here or there, especially IF they are paired to Virgo, other Archers, Gemini, Scorpio, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn. Planning too far into the future may be an unwise idea and it may be better to 'hold off' and call a 'special sit down' rather than 'push' just because 'we're all together' for some reason. Single Archers find hot potential all week and contact made can become serious FAST; almost too fast in some cases: PACE yourself! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Being introduced to either career or personal opportunities through a 'friend' or even a 'friend of a friend' this likely this week. Success is prone to be likely with amounts big and relationships fulfilling and far reaching, especially in cases where Capricorn, Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries or Pisces are involved.
New business is VERY likely this week and IF self employed/commission based, accounts/amounts can be BIG. Powerful inside help appears likely near the 28th, 30/1st and off site the 3rd. Relaxing off site pursuits like golf, lunching, common hobbies and social events may 'set the stage' for agreeable energies. A mistake the 2nd, may be due to the retro and can be fixed quickly. IF you hit this one, hide any fear, insecurity or embarrassment.
VERY good